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Wandavision Episode 7 Review: Breaking The Fourth Wall

The picture becomes a little clearer as WandaVision reveals it's villain in the series most important episode to date.

Warning Major Spoilers Ahead

Episode 7 of WandaVision serves as the perfect prelude to a storm as we approach the endgame (pun intended) of the season. This episode marked the rise of a villain and a hero in a very enjoyable if not short episode.

The main plot of the episode in short is very basic, Wanda's world starts to crumble around her, the kids are looked after by Agnes, Monica meets her friends (who is not Reed Richards which is very sad) try's to get into the hex in a space rover before running in her self becoming Photon in the process. After this we have Monica's attempt to get through to Wanda before Agnes intervenes revealing herself to be Agatha Harkness (I knew it) who has been manipulating Westview this entire time. While this happens Darcy fills Vision in on his pre hex life as they attempt to make it back home.

Of course, WandaVision has excelled at shorter episodes that give us a lot to talk about, this review will serve as more of a discussion as to what the last two episodes could deliver as well as a little deeper dive into the rise of Agatha and Monica.

I have seen a lot of mixed opinions of this episode online, as a huge Modern Family fan I was very happy to get an episode dedicated to it. Elizabeth Olsen's Claire Dunphy like portrayal was fantastic nailing Julie Bowen's mannerisms to a tee. I am convinced Kathryn Hahn was channelling Eric Stonetsreet's Cam too.

The episode itself for me was awesome, the stakes throughout felt high whilst Wanda's sense of loss was the strongest it's been yet. Elizabeth Olsen once again showcases why she is one of the highlights of the show delivering every line excellently. Kat Denning's and Paul Bettany also excel as they bounce off each other as they travel back to Westview.

The episode has a lot more character focus through out Monica, another character (played by Teyonah Parris) who has shined in this series, completes her transformation into Photon the scene where she becomes Photon occurs after her attempt to get into the Hex with a Space rover is foiled. Monica runs into the hex becoming Photon in an awesome visual as we get flashback from Captain Marvel as Monica relives some of her life. We are treated to a great visual as we see four types of Monica, the daughter, the astronaut, the SWORD agent and then Geraldine before they all merge together to become Photon. We also get a cool perspective from Monica as we see her new powers at work as she sees all the UV light in Westview.

Monica's rise really feels well paced, straight away she was established as a strong agent who should be running SWORD had the blip not happened. As the season has gone on Monica has arguably been the most fleshed out character as she stands up to Hayward whilst continually sticking up for Wanda wanting to help her throughout something Captain Marvel would very much do.

Monica's rise is parallel by the rise of Agatha Harkness. Her reveal is one that many saw coming Agnes had been blatantly suspicious throughout the series whilst the name Agnes not being the greatest red herring ever. The reveal of her manipulations was well done as she sings her own theme song whilst showing us the spells she cast on Herb as well as Pietro.

The question of who Pietro is still lingers, Agatha is seen seemingly bewitching him when he arrives at Wanda's house which would suggest he is not freely working with her. This for me reopens the idea that Pietro is the X-Men Quick Silver who has been brought into this world and brainwashed into working for Agatha.

Agatha by the end of the episode has Billy and Tommy, Wanda and seemingly Monica as Pietro catches Monica snooping around the house in the mid credits scene. My question now is what happens next, is Monica under Agatha's control or are her purple eyes due to her new powers, if she is under Agatha's control who stops her now? Vision is a possibility but at this point it looks pretty grave for Wanda.

The episodes advert showcases Nexus medication, in the comics Wanda is known as a Nexus being with the Nexus being the meeting point of every world in the multiverse. This of course could mean a lot of different things my theory being that Wanda's hex has opened the multiverse (I know very vague) but other than that I'm at a loss.

Finally I want to talk about Billy and Tommy, there involvement in the episode exists to set up their kidnap, Tommy's continued psychic abilities are also mentioned as he states Agnes is quiet inside. At first I thought that this was a way of saying he can here the pain of the trapped residents of Westview but it might just be that Agnes, being a witch has a telepathic block.

Billy and Tommy's capture seems significant, Agatha must want them for a reason and their disappearance seems thoroughly thought by Agnes across the last couple weeks which I believe is the timeframe of the show. My theory once again is Mephisto, she has the Darkhold (Marvels book of bad spells) which could easily have something that involves a sacrifice of some sort and we know that in the comics Billy and Tommy are fragments of Mephisto's soul.

Whatever the ending the show promises something big, the show has two episodes left with a big cameo promised along with an explosive end. With a sea of possibilities the show's end only promises one thing there will be madness.

What did you think of episode 7? let me know your thoughts and theories down below or by tweeting me @TTMultiverse

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