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WandaVision Episode 8 Review: Previously On

Wanda Vision reaches an emotional penultimate episode that takes us through the tragedy of Wanda's life in a gripping turn for the show

Warning Major Spoilers

Wow! We are nearly there, it feels like a long time but we are finally days away from the conclusion of Marvel first TV outing in a series that can only be described as epic. The show has broken barriers, achieving things no superhero show has achieved creating a complex, engaging show that also packs in a fair bit of nostalgia as well as tragedy.

As we approach the last episode only one thing is certain, this will end in a tragedy as well as leaving us pondering a cliff hanger for over a year as we wait for Doctor Strange: the Multiverse of Madness.

This weeks episode took us on a journey through Wanda's past. The episode was an emotional punch in the gut as Agatha leads us through Wanda's tragedy trying to figure out exactly how Wanda is controlling Westview. The flashbacks start with the death of her parents as well as the Maximoff twins wait on the stark bomb. The scene was emotional as expected with the writers not pulling any punches as they reveal Wanda's love of sitcoms coming from memories of her family watching the shows as a way to learn English.

Agatha's role in this episode is played brilliantly, her origin is told in the opening seconds of the show as we travel to Salem witch trials (this version actually being a coven) as Agatha was put on trial for her use of dark magic, the scene ending with Agatha killing her entire coven that included her mother. After this Agatha parades through Wanda's memories like a Sherlock Holmes inspired tour guide as she desperately tries to figure out how Wanda is being able to achieve the hex on Westview.

Agatha's role in this episode only asks more questions, her allegiance is unknown as well as her motivations of being in Westview, we know Wanda's powers brought her to Westview but why did Agatha control everything? What was their to gain for her other than knowledge? Most importantly is the rabbit her son in disguise?! Maybe these questions are just as simple as she needed to know what the power was and I'm just overthinking the series(something I'm guilty of doing all season long).

We are all also no closer to knowing the identity of Fake Pietro or Fietro as Agatha wonderfully puts it, the only thing we do know is that it is definitely Anthony Taylor Johnson.

The show then takes us to Hydra as Wanda is experimented on, her retrieval of the mind stone is of course her superhero origin as we see the moment her powers manifest. The big takeaway from this episode is that her powers were always a part of her, triggered by the mind stone after Hydra's experiments this meaning that her powers are something more than the mind stone.

We then travel to post Age of Ultron Wanda as she and Vision bond over Malcom and The Middle, this is the moment Agatha's been waiting for as she acknowledges that it was Vision who brought her back to the light when she was at her lowest questioning what happened when Vision wasn't there to do it.

The episode is well worked, I must admit being very disappointed when watching but after a couple of days of reflection I can see beyond my yearning for a theory that probably was never going to happen oh the joys of being an overthinking geek.

We finally get some answers as we travel to SWORD when Wanda seemingly stole Vision's body, this of course turned out to be a lie from stupid Haywood as Wanda only wanted Vision's body to bury. After Haywood refused she left driving to Westview where Vision has bought land for them to live. Haywood's lies make sense he was always hiding something but the idea that it was actually Vision himself is a twist not many could have predicted.

So we're brought to Westview as the episode finally reaches full circle. It is revealed Wanda created Westview after the visit to SWORD (something I'm convinced Haywood planned) at the plot of land Vision bought creating the house as well as Vision himself (does that make him a ghost?) the sitcom world of Westview. I think part of me was expecting something more which is why I was so disappointed, with the exception of the Vision twist I think I had pretty much predicted that could happen (which of course is my fault for being crazily obsessed with the show) but really wanted to see a big twist such as Mephisto which is still not completely impossible but unlikely.

I still think there is more to learn, I reckon the show has a big twist coming in the finale that will take viewers of guard but we will just have to wait and see. The episode ends with Agnes who is flying above Billy and Tommy with Magic chains around their necks, she declares Wanda to be dangerous and a user of Chaos magic branding Wanda as the Scarlett Witch. I think my disappointment comes from my knowledge of the comics which of course not everyone is interested in, I think for me personally it didn't interest me because of how the scene was set up. The scene was set up like a big reveal with you just waiting for Agatha to say something unexpected but she didn't. The use of chaos magic and the name, Scarlett Witch is just not a big reveal for me as it was one of the few things all fan theorists knew was true, it was a given!

In the post credits scene we do get a big twist with Haywood's reveal of White Vision now fully AI with the human sides of Vision long gone white Vision looks set to take on the hex and the oblivious Wanda. This is a good twist that could see Wanda come to terms with the death of Vision a further two times in the finale as well as having to fight him at all. Again this just wasn't the twist I wanted which of course is a fault of my own silly theories and not the show.

Previously On is a great episode that upon revisiting is a better than I gave it credit for the first time of watching, the show exists to slow us down ready for the finale as well as filling in the gaps of sitcom Westview's origins. As we approach the finale I know one thing, it's going to be sad this cannot end well for Wanda or me as I realise I have to wait a year for Doctor Strange.

What did you think of the episode? Let me know below or on Twitter @TTMultiverse See you next week folks!

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